Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Motorcycle Seats NOT The Cause of Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction for Bikers

TT Note: Just in case you had a burning desire to know.

/PRNewswire/ -- "A 2005 Japan impotence study uses soft words about hard seats suggesting motorbike 'vibration may cause ED' and 'more studies are needed to determine the cause,' " says patent-granted author Randall Dale Chipkar. "Based upon limited information one cannot conclude motorcycle seats as causation for impotence."

"Bicycling or hard scooter seats on rough roads are much more rigorous on the groin rather than modern day cruising seats. Not to mention motorcycle rubber-mounted engines, sophisticated suspensions, smooth asphalt and contoured padded seats," Chipkar says.

"Subtle groin vibrations increase blood flow and are actually stimulating not debilitating on our tissues. Regular motorcycle seat vibration is not going to damage penile nerves," Chipkar adds.

The pelvis and perineum are designed for prolonged sitting properly displacing pressure and any eventual discomfort can be walked off without sustaining biological harm or compromised blood flow.

"Causation of impotence or erectile dysfunction involves many issues including lifestyle habits. Unfortunately, I feel there is a much greater issue than pressure or vibration linking impotence to motorcycle riders," says Chipkar.

"Most motorcycles have electrical components beneath the seat. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF) radiation passes through the seat penetrating into the rider's groin. ELF EMFs can disrupt zinc ions which are linked to impotence and erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, excessive ELF EMF invasion compromises electromagnetic homeostasis involving neuron function, hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue all linked to impotence and libido loss," Chipkar says.

"I discovered up to 500 milliGauss of ELF EMF radiation above motorcycle seats zapping the prostate. In contrast, many doctors raise cancer concerns involving 3 to 5 milliGauss of ELF EMF exposure from hydro tower power lines and other sources," adds Chipkar.

"On my website doctors prove ELF EMF danger. Impotence, erectile dysfunction, infertility, sterility, prostatitis, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are linked not to motorcycle seats but what's 'rising up' through them," Chipkar says.

Chipkar authored Motorcycle Cancer? to expose the truth. Chipkar is now campaigning worldwide to enhance the motorcycle industry to keep riders safer.

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