Monday, August 31, 2009

Cell Phones and Health: Is There a Brain Cancer Connection?

TT Note: I remember an uncle of mine suggesting that my brand new cell phone would cause brain cancer. His bold statement was made in 1991. Wonder what the evidence shows now?

/PRNewswire/ -- Are cell phones safe? Mounting concerns about the cancer risks of cell phone radiation, especially for children, will bring experts to Washington for a groundbreaking international conference on September 13-15. The goal of the conference is to propose a U.S. research agenda.

The latest scientific evidence on cell phones and human health and public policy implications will be presented by such respected experts as Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, Director Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute; Dr. Siegal Sadetzki, Tel Aviv Medical University, Israel's key researcher on cancer and cell phones; Dr. Margaret Offermann, national research deputy at the American Cancer Society; and Professor Frank Barnes, chairman of the 2008 National Academy of Sciences report on research needed on cell phones and other personal wireless devices.

Key members of Congress are expected to attend. Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) is planning to independently chair a Senate hearing on cell phones and health on Monday, September 14 on Capitol Hill.

Dr. Devra L. Davis, Professor of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh and primary organizer of the conference, reports: "Deeply troubling findings have been reported outside the U.S., where cell phones have been widely used for longer periods of time. These findings show a doubled risk of brain cancer. Many governments, including France, Finland, China and Russia, even advise that children not use cell phones."

Says co-organizer Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, Research Professor at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, "People want to believe that cell phones are safe, but at this point we cannot make that judgment. Some scientific evidence suggests that cell phones might be harmful. Given the current uncertainty, we have to develop precautionary measures to reduce potential risks while the new research is planned and carried out."

Sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; University of Pittsburgh; National Research Center for Women & Families; The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety; The Flow Fund Circle, and the Environmental Health Trust, the conference will be held at the historic Credit Union House, 4th and Maryland Ave. NE, near the U.S. Capitol.

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